MINT’s New Community Partner- Taqueria Local
Great food, and great atmosphere. Taqueria Local’s cuisine uses locally sourced ingredients in traditional and unexpected ways, but always with the goal of making tacos that make culinary sense.
Show your MINT card to receive 15% off.
11 Tips to Avoid Aches, Pains and Injury While Working in Your Garden or Yard This Spring
Last year a 63 year-old patient (let’s call her Kay) came to my clinic very discouraged. She said she went to the doctor because of back pain and stiffness and was told she had arthritis. She was distraught as she lives alone, is very active and felt that she was doomed to live in pain. Funny thing was, her pain was very minimal and once I asked about her pain, here is what she said.
“It started after I trimmed 17 bushes around my house over a three-day period. I had never experienced back pain before this, but when the doctor told me I have arthritis, I knew I had to stop everything or I would live in pain.”
I smiled and gently assured her that her arthritis had been there for years and that if I trimmed 17 bushes in three days I would feel back pain and aches. I let her know that her life was not over by any means and the fact she was able to trim 17 bushes in three days proved she was far from being done with activities, BUT, I said, “Kay, maybe take a few less bushes a day and spread it out a bit longer and everything would be fine next time.” She left with a new lease on life relieved to know arthritis did not have to slow her down…
SO, with Spring nearly in full swing, it’s time to get your yard and garden prepared for summer. Is YOUR body ready? Many people spend the winter months less active, or hibernating (if you will), so you may be at risk for injury IF you do not prepare adequately. Getting out and working in the garden / yard too quickly can cause muscle pain, back, shoulder, and knee strains and pains.
Here are some tips to help avoid some common aches and pains you might encounter while gardening:
✓ Start slow and slowly progress the level of activity.
✓ Work smarter, not harder. Use tools to reduce risk and strain on body.
✓ Warm up first by walking &/or stretching before beginning yard / gardening work.
✓ STOP at any signs of pains in joints or back, though it is NOT unusual to have
some muscular fatigue or soreness with new activities.
✓ Feel free to use an ice pack for any region of soreness. I recommend up to 20’.
✓IF pain persists > 72 hours without relief, call our office for advice.
To HELP minimize risk of injury during working in yard/ garden, try these simple tips:
✓ Alternate positions frequently to avoid stressing muscles and joints or causing fatigue. Keep plant pots at various heights, on tables, at waist level and on ground to help with changing positions.
✓Drink MORE water than you think you need, many people are dehydrated and do not know it.
✓ Do not be afraid to take breaks to move, stretch and rest a bit each 45-60 minutes.
✓ Use proper tools to avoid stressing your body unnecessarily, e.g. knee pads for kneeling, thick handled spades for planting etc..
✓ When done with activities remember to “cool down” with a walk or gentle stretching activities.
MOST importantly, remember pain is a sign from your body that something is wrong. IT is not worth creating more problems by working through or pushing through pain. Don’t ignore your body’s cries for mercy. NOT stopping may cause more problems than it is worth. IF pain does NOT calm down in 48-72 hours, call our office and ask for help on what to do!! We are always here for you!!!!
Save the Date – DC Chocolate Festival
Benefits of Yoga from Mint Yoga regulars!
New to yoga and wondering what some of the benefits are before taking your first class? Mint Dupont yoga teacher, Kelly Tobin asked some of her regular students to share one of the ways they benefit from including yoga into their fitness routine regularly.
Yoga quiets my mind and strengthens my body. I need both. – Melanie
Attending a regular yoga class (Kelly’s) has made me stronger. – Marianne
As a Hindu woman, it’s hard for me to find a yoga class that aligns with my spiritual practice. This class is that for me. I feel my body heat rising, my inner self shedding needed thoughts, and am so grateful to be in a safe space. Not all poses are available to me and that’s OK. That’s what a good yoga class is. Being able to listen to our bodies without compromising where we are in the moment. – Sangeetha
I like the attention to breath and alignment as well as the music and the ideas about yoga woven through the class. I feel like I get out of my head and into my body and I feel awakened and refreshed each time I walk out of class. – Stephanie
If you’re interested in seeing how practicing yoga benefits you we encourage you to sign up for a class this week!
By: MINT Yoga Instructor, Kelly Tobin
How to Prepare for your first Power Playground Class!
Never taken a Power Playground class but always wanted to try?
Intensity Director Roger Mack has some tips to make sure you’re prepared for your first class!
1) Do some Research before heading to a Power Playground Class so that you know what to expect. Understand what the class entails so that you have proper form to prevent against injuries.
2) Make sure you hydrate before class. You want to be hydrated enough to perform at your optimum best.
3) Fuel up before class! you want to eat something at least an hour before class. This will help avoid getting nauseous and gives you energy to power through the class. Avoid too much fat or fiber, which can upset your stomach while your’re working out.
4) Always introduce yourself to the instructor and let them know if you have any injuries or limitations before class starts.
5) Arrive 15 minutes early to class so that you are comfortable.
6) Listen to your body! Your trying something brand new so modify before trying to master a move or technique instantly.
7) Remember to Have FUN!
By: MINT Instructor Roger Mack