Our Cycling Director, Ori Korin debunks 4 common indoor cycling myths! 

- I have to have super strong legs and really great cardio conditioning to ride an indoor bike: Nonsense! The best part about indoor cycling is that it’s scalable for all levels. So wherever you are in a given day, that’s where you ride. You can adjust your cadence (RPMs) and your resistance level to make the ride easier or harder, and we have classes that model outdoor riding, as well as classes that are rhythm-based, and follow the beat of the music.
- The need for speed always wins in spin class: Indoor cycling is not just about racing! We climb hills, take power intervals, go for jogs…and in some classes, we even dance a little! Your instructor programs your class with specific cadence and resistance ranges designed to work specific muscles, some in the saddle, some out of it. If you’re only riding fast at a light resistance the whole time, you’re not getting nearly as much muscle benefit as you would be if you’re cycling between riding heavily and powerfully, too.
- I can’t ride, it hurts my butt too much: This is a common complaint! You can buy a seat cushion online that will definitely help — ask your instructor for more info. Similarly, if your feet, knees, back, or other joints hurt while riding, talk to your coach about bike setup. We can fix a lot of issues just by changing your settings!
- Indoor cycling is just for cardio junkies: You need a strong core, strong legs, and a strong butt to get that bike form working right — plus in many of our rhythm rides, we incorporate an arms song with light weights too. Come check it out!
Think you know all there is to know about indoor cycling at MINT? Take a ride with us and see! View our schedule here.