MINT members will soon enjoy more convenient and more secure access to the club with facial recognition technology. Please see this post for additional FAQs.
We have meticulously researched the best overall solution for our new front door security system. While there may never be a ‘perfect’ answer to security challenges, our upcoming facial recognition system is designed to be streamlined: you walk up, and you walk in; it’s that simple, it even checks you in for the gym/class! Our chosen security company offers the most robust modern digital security available, serving over 30 million users and over 55,000 commercial and government partners globally. They are a vetted, reputable partner of mindbodyonline, another global organization, and the software we have been using for over 10 years for member and billing information. We are working to possibly provide an alternative access method, which will carry an extra fee and be less convenient.
At MINT, we constantly strive to enhance your experience in every way possible. With this change, our staffing and service levels will remain at the high standards you have come to expect. This system is being implemented in response to recent security issues (noting that we haven’t experienced any issues in months). As we have posted recently, MINT, being an open-access environment, is no exception to issues across DC and most cities, such as ‘smash and grabs’ involving individuals and groups trespassing, ignoring staff, and stealing items that were left unlocked. While there has never been a direct threat to safety within MINT, theft is unacceptable. We have been working closely with the police to address these incidents. Please remember to lock your personal items in our provided key-free lockers.
We eliminated all third-party guest partnerships, such as ClassPass, earlier this year to maximize members’ value, which was unrelated to any security concerns. Following the recent incidents, we also eliminated all drop-in options, including paid guests, and increased our vetting process for membership trials. FLEXGuest continues: info on that program here.
These changes come with substantial costs for us, including lost revenue, increased expenses, fewer new-member inquiries, and heavier workloads for many staff. However, we are always planning for the long term and know these changes will ultimately benefit everyone and increase the value of being a member. We will continue to work hard for you through all aspects of your experience with us.
We love our community and our city. Theft and trespassing are destructive to physical property and attempt to dismantle our peace of mind and sense of security. We are committed to enhancing the safety and quality of our environment for our members and staff. We believe that implementing these new measures will help us maintain a safe and peaceful experience for everyone. We appreciate your understanding and support as we navigate this transition.
Thank you for being a valued member of the MINT community.

For more information or further questions, email: