The INTENSITY studio at MINT Dupont is finally here! After months of planning and a Thanksgiving holiday full of renovations – the studio is ready for use!
Check out renovation photos here and sign up for a class to check it out for yourself!
by mint-sk
The INTENSITY studio at MINT Dupont is finally here! After months of planning and a Thanksgiving holiday full of renovations – the studio is ready for use!
Check out renovation photos here and sign up for a class to check it out for yourself!
by mint-sk
MINT member since:
January 2016
Which MINT location is your favorite?
MINT Dupont
Favorite type of exercise?
Running, swimming, strength training, yoga, cycling, triathlons, p90x
What is your favorite exercise?
What is your favorite group fitness class at MINT? Why?
PowerPlayground because it opens my eyes to exercises I wouldn’t have normally pursued. Plus, every workout is different so it constantly keeps you guessing what’s next.
Who is your favorite MINT trainer/instructor/concierge and why?
Paige Fetzer because she gave me advice about my first triathlon and always managed to check in on how I was doing! It would be wrong of me, however, if I didn’t give a special shout out to Dru Ryan, Liz Harvey, and James Parker Ashley for teaching classes that are sure to leave me humbled, sore, and inspired.
What motivates you to hit the gym and stay healthy?
There’s nothing more satisfying than setting a long-term goal and achieving it. I’m passionate about endurance racing not only because it tests my mental and physical limits, but it’s something for me to focus on outside of work and all the stress that comes with it.
Why do you love MINT?
The diversity and number of MINT classes make it so accessible for journalists like me who operate on crazy schedules.
Keep rockin’ it, Julia! You’re #MondayMotivation for us all!
Want to be featured? Fill out this form!
by mint-sk
One of the most commonly asked fitness questions around this time of the year is, ‘how do I stay on track during the holidays?’
Well, I would have two general answers for that.
First, don’t beat yourself up about it. All the MINT members I know are working hard every day; at the office, the gym, daily lives. So, allowing your body (and mind) to rest and recover while enjoying the holidays isn’t a bad thing!
Secondly, don’t go into the holidays with an ‘all or nothing’ mentality. Don’t think that since you can’t make it to an hour of Power Playground, there is no point in working out. Just getting up and moving, like taking a walk after a meal will benefit you.
So, I’ve written this blog post for those with the motivation to shake off that food coma and get in a workout with my ‘Take PlyoFit Home With You’ workout that is modeled after my Monday night PlyoFit class, accommodated for at home with no equipment.
Below are 3 circuits, complete each circuit two times through – and stick to the appropriate rest times, get that heart rate up!
Circuit 1:
Circuit 2:
Circuit 3
Paige Fetzer is our Cycle Director extraordinaire. She also teaches PlyoFit, MINTfuze and cycle at MINT.
by mint-sk
MINT (and master pilates instructor, Karla Adams) is hosting a “Pilates for Chronic Pain Management” Workshop on December 4th.
About the workshop:
WHEN: Sunday, December 4, from 4-5:30pm
Chronic pain is a burden. It robs you of sleep, makes movement feel extremely risky and eats away at your personal sense of power and strength. Whether you’re living with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Low Back Pain, Pilates will give you your power back by teaching you how to experience your body and its movement patterns in a different way.
Beginning with the essential elements of body awareness, breath and balance, you’ll experience Pilates exercises combined with the foam roller. Learn specific exercises designed for pain relief and structural re-education in a safe and supportive environment.
This 90 minute workshop is for those living with chronic pain as well as instructors who would like to learn more about working with this population.
Register (and pay in advance) here!
by mint-sk
If you’re anything like me, your Thanksgiving countdown has officially begun. While spending time with family & friends, and being grateful for what we have is a joyous and wonderful part of the holiday – we all know that we’re all so excited for the food!
Thanksgiving is that time of year when many people love to let their walls down – piling massive amounts of food onto our plates, taking a quick power nap, and then doing it all again. And while this is incredibly satisfying, and can be totally acceptable – wouldn’t you feel a little better knowing there are healthier meal alternatives to some of your favorite dishes.
Here is a list of some delicious, unique and healthier options for making stuffing for this holiday season. Just because you are creating a healthier option, does not mean you are sacrificing taste. This may make you feel even less guilty going up for those seconds, thirds, or leftovers the next day. So check it out, and amaze all of your family and friends at your upcoming Thanksgiving or potluck event!
by mint-sk
“You don’t get better when you workout – you get better by recovering from a workout.”
As a physical therapist in the DC area, I often get asked about foam rolling and its benefits. Various beliefs exist regarding the benefits of foam rolling from both anecdotal and research perspectives. Based on personal and patient experiences, I believe foam rolling can be influential on altering an individual’s pain, and therefore, giving that person the opportunity to move.
This article gives a great description as to why foam rolling can be beneficial, and also provides, various techniques and positions for which it can be used. Take a look and try it out!